About me

Antoniusweg 14
D-86570 Inchenhofen

M: +49 175 29 31 082
E: tobias.steidle@softwaredev.de

Current profile (DOCX): Download
Current profile (PDF): Download

Tobias Steidle

Specialization Deep Learning
Neural Networks and Deep Learning (Coursera) Download
Improving DNNs: Hyperparameter Tuning, Regularization and Optimization (Coursera) Download
Structuring Machine Learning Projects (Coursera) Download
Convolutional Neural Networks (Coursera) Download
Sequence Models (Coursera) Download
Deep Learning Spezialisierung (Coursera) Download / Badge

Specialization Machine Learning Engineering for Production (MLOps)
Introduction to Machine Learning in Production (Coursera) Download
Machine Learning Data Lifecycle in Production (Coursera) Download
Machine Learning Modeling Pipelines in Production (Coursera) Download
Deploying Machine Learning Models in Production(Coursera) Download
Machine Learning Engineering for Production (MLOps) Spezialisierung (Coursera) Download

Specialization Mathematics for Machine Learning and Data Science
Linear Algebra for Machine Learning and Data Science (Coursera) Download
Calculus for Machine Learning and Data Science (Coursera) Download
Probability & Statistics for Machine Learning & Data Science (Coursera) Download
Mathematics for Machine Learning and Data Science Spezialisierung Download

AI / Machine Learning
Generative AI with Large Language Models (Coursera) Download
Machine Learning Engineer Zertifikat (Nanodegree) Download
Deep Reinforcement Learning Zertifikat (Nanodegree) Download
Computer Vision Zertifikat (Nanodegree) Download
Natural Language Processing Zertifikat (Nanodegree) Download

Self-driving Car Engineer Zertifikat (Nanodegree) Download
Robotic Software Engineer (Nanodegree) Download

Blockchain Developer Zertifikat (Nanodegree) Download

Several years of experience as a software architect/developer in various industries (e.g. automotive (manufacturers and suppliers), insurance, mineral oil, …).
Agile development of professional software systems in the commercial and technical area.
Experience in the evaluation of new technologies as well as specialist in the design of solution concepts for complex requirements with high problem-solving competence.
Design and development of applications, services and interfaces in various languages and architectures.
Experience in leading development teams. Determination of requirements in close cooperation with the customer, including cost estimation and scheduling of software projects.

– Software Architektur / Software Entwicklung (Java, Javascript, Python)
– Spring Boot
– Cloud (AWS / OpenShift / Pivotal / Kubernetes / Docker)
– Agile Entwicklung
– Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning
– Robotic
– Blockchain (Smart Contracts)
– Eclipse RCP/RAP, SWT/Swing, JSF, HTML5 (div. JS-Framework u.a. Angular, jQuery)
– Virtual Reality (HTC Vive)
– Domain Driven Design / Domain Specific Language
– Codegenerierung
– div. Frameworks

Augsburg – Ingolstadt – München

– Java
– Python
– Javascript / Typescript

– Kotlin
– C/C++
– C#
– Delphi
– Solidity

– OpenShift
– Cloud Foundry
– Kubernetes
– Docker

– Spring Boot
– Robotic Operating System (ROS)
– Gradle, Maven, Ant, Hudson / Jenkins
– Tensorflow, PyTorch, Keras, …
– Log4j, Apache POI
– Subversion, Git
– JUnit, Mockito, FindBug, Checkstyle, …
– HTML / Javascript / CSS, Angular, jQuery, …
– Ecore (EMF), XText, XPand, XTend
– OSGi, Equinox, Spring, CDI
– Persistenzframeworks (Entity Beans, JPA, Hibernate), EJB
– Web-Applikationen (AJAX, Java, ASP, JSF, ICEFaces, RichFaces, PrimeFaces …). Spring, Apache Wicket
– Swing, SWT, JavaFX
– SOAP / REST, Apache CXF, JBoss RestEasy, JAX-RS, JAXB, Jackson, Jettison, Jersey, JAX-RPC, JAX-WS, WSDL, Axis
– JasperReports
– Unity
– …

Agile Softwareentwicklung (Scrum), MVP, TDD, …

– PostgreSQL
– Oracle
– mySQL
– …

– Object-oriented programming (OOP), design and analysis
– Clean Code
– Design Patterns (GoF, J2EE, EAI)
– Aspect-oriented programming (AOP)
– Service-oriented architectures (SOA)
– Test-Driven Development (TDD)
– Model Driven Development (MDD)

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